Looking to make friends and have fun?

Want to build your social network and grow your social skills?

TARGET SKILLS: Social skills | Communication skills | Friendship building | Travel training | Community interaction

COST: Covered by NDIS for approved NDIS registered clients.
You Connect will invoice the NDIS for the hours 9am-3pm at your agreed ratio, plus transports, if required
The cost of daily activities varies and is not covered by NDIS funding, and needs to be prepaid.

EXTRA COSTS: All participants are to purchase their own meals, beverages, entry tickets.

PLEASE BRING: All participants are to bring their own morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, drinks, hat, weather-appropriate clothing, covered footwear, sun block.

PICK UP AND DROP OFF: Morning drop-off (for those not requiring transport) is between 8 and 9.
Afternoon pick-up is between 3 and 4.